Thursday, June 17, 2010

Assignment 1-3

Figure 1. EMINEM. Retrieved June 18, 2010, from

Close to the Edge: The Representational Tactics of Eminem utilizes de Certeau’s three stages of cultural adaptation to discuss Eminem’s success with the white and African-American cultures. The three stages are appropriation, a “spatial acting-out of the place” and allocution. He uses the white and black cultures to create a niche in the culture of hip-hop. He was able to enter the hip-hop culture and as an authentic rapper by relating to the black culture. He uses his affiliation with the white culture for commercial success.

The stage of appropriation is used by Eminem when he uses the form and language of hip-hop. Prior to Eminem, the Beastie Boys were the first white hip-hop artists to have any commercial success. This was due to their African-American management which gave them acceptance with the black culture. Eminem credits the Beastie Boys with his success and teaching him how to perform in a predominately black industry. He also says that the failure of Vanilla Ice taught him that white rappers can’t pretend they come from the black culture. Eminem introduced himself to the hip-hop community as Slim Shady. He used Slim Shady as a character that could ridicule himself and gain acceptance from the black culture. He was able to remain in the white culture and gain that audience while using white stereotypes to present himself as a guest in the hip-hop genre. Eminem’s high level of acceptance among the Latino and African-American hip-hop audiences has allowed him to remain successful in the hip-hop genre. Latinos and African-Americans validate and accept hip-hop performers. Without their acceptance or validation, Eminem would not have been successful or relevant.

Eminem has portrayed himself as an underdog and he has used his childhood and poverty to relate to his African-American audience. However, he has never portrayed himself as anything other than a white kid that grew up in Detroit. Although he has achieved a lot of success in hip-hop there are still subjects that are off limits to him. He doesn’t claim that white people are better than African-Americans. He refuses to ever use the “N” word because of the lack of respect that the “N” word shows the African-American community. He is highly aware of the fact that he is the minority and outsider in the hip-hop community.

The second stage that Eminem implements is the special acting out of place. He uses three distinct personas to relate to different target audiences. He uses his persona, Slim Shady, to target a transracial audience. He uses Slim Shady to exclude women, homosexuals and white men from the hip-hop culture. Slim Shady makes the controversial statements and personal attacks that allow Eminem to gain a larger audience. The Marshall Mathers persona targets a white mainstream audience. Marshall Mathers uses lyrics that point out his whiteness and similarities to his white audience. Marshall Mathers is Eminem’s serious persona that describes his childhood and family. Eminem is the persona that targets the African-American and Latino audiences. Eminem has street credibility and takes on other rappers in battles. Eminem is a true hip-hop persona that attacks his white culture.

Allocution allows Eminem to negotiate with his white and African-American audiences. Eminem uses his sameness to address his white audience and to use his white audience for commercial success. Eminem tries to understand the African-American viewpoint without pretending to be black. He also expresses his frustration with being perceived as a “wigger” by some members of the hip-hop community. However, it is essential that Eminem keeps his white identity in order to be unique in the hip-hop culture and to have a larger audience. Eminem’s talent is a key part to his success but his whiteness makes him marketable and a commercial success.

In conclusion, Eminem is able to manipulate his audiences and personas to achieve the maximum amount of commercial success and marketability. He is the mast successful white rapper and paved the way for many other white rappers. The essential part of success in transracial entertainment is a bond between artistry and artist and control of an aura or personas. Eminem introduced hip-hop and the hip-hop culture to the suburbs and White America. He expanded the audiences and has successfully walked the line between the white culture and African-American culture.


Close to the Edge: The Representational Tactics of Eminem. Marcia Alesan Dawkins, California: Wiley Periodicals, Inc., 2010.

Assignment 5-1

Figure 1. Jimmy Buffett. Retrieved June 17, 2010, from

Jimmy Buffett is a singer, author, movie producer, businessman and songwriter. He is best known for his music which takes his extremely loyal fans, Parrotheads, away to an “island lifestyle”. He still tours every summer and releases new music every few years. He has his own channel on Sirius Radio called Radio Margaritaville. All of his concerts are broadcasted live on Radio Margaritaville. This allows his fans to listen to every concert and escape to the world of Jimmy Buffett (Eng, 1996).

Jimmy Buffett’s song Margaritaville has helped to make him a popular culture icon. He has turned Margaritaville into a highly profitable franchise. Margaritaville is his most popular song and represents summer and being carefree for all of his fans. He owns a chain of restaurants named Margaritaville that are located worldwide. Each restaurant is themed with his music and beach bum persona.

Jimmy Buffett has used his popularity and loyal fans to branch out into other areas of business. There is a line of Margaritaville food and liquor. He is part owner in two minor league baseball teams. Harrah’s Entertainment built a Margaritaville casino and hotel in Mississippi. There is a Margaritaville hotel that is opening this month in Pensacola Florida. He has even produced his own beer called Land Shark Lager. He has authored several books and starred in the movie Hoot.

Jimmy Buffett’s business successes and music career have symbolized the American Dream myth. He grew up in Alabama and attended Catholic school. He grew up to become the symbol of summer parties and good times. His hard work and persistence during the low periods of his music career have made him into an American legend. He now owns multiple homes, multiple boats, airplanes and has amassed a sizeable fortune.

His music and legend will live on through his loyal fans and through his restaurants and business holdings. He will always represent the carefree lifestyle that so many people in today’s society desperately crave.


Eng, S. (1996). Jimmy buffett : The man from margaritaville revealed (1st ed.). New York: St. Martin's Press.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Assignment 4-1

Figure 1. Brett Favre. Retrieved June 10, 2010, from

Brett Favre is a quarterback in the National Football League. He spent most of his career playing for the Green Bay Packers. He is one of the most popular quarterbacks in the National Football League. He currently plays for the Minnesota Vikings and was one game away from playing the Super Bowl last season. He has played in the National Football League for 19 seasons and is one of the oldest active players in the league.

Brett Favre holds many NFL records including most consecutive starts, most career victories as a starting quarterback, most career passing yards, most career pass completions, most career pass attempts and most career touchdown passes. These records have helped to make Brett Favre a popular culture icon (Marchesani, 2008).

Brett Favre has a reputation for being a hard working country boy. Many people can relate to his values and personality. He is a hero to many young football fans. He would be classified as a citizen hero. His most heroic game was a Monday Night Football game that followed the death of his father. Brett Favre passed for 399 yards and four touchdowns in that game. The Packers won the game 41 to 7 (Brett Favre : The tribute, 2008).

Brett Favre symbolizes the American Dream Myth. He was a country boy born in Mississippi and used his athletic abilities to become a successful professional athlete and millionaire. His hard work, courage and athletic ability have made him into a legend and hero to many.

Recently, Brett Favre has been in the news due to his retirement speculation. His retiring, coming back from retirement and current retirement rumors have been the headlines on most sports networks. The NFL Network even has a segment called Favre Watch. They give weekly updates on whether or not Brett Favre will play football in 2010.


Brett Favre : The tribute(2008). . New York: Sports Illustrated Books.
Marchesani, L. (2008). Brett Favre : The all-time leader. New York: Grosset & Dunlap.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Assignment 3-1

Figure 1. Doanld Trump. Retrieved June 1, 2010, from

Donald Trump is an author, television personality and businessman. He has had great business successes from real-estate developments. He owns and operates several casinos, hotels and golf courses. He also owns commercial real estate worldwide. Donald Trump is outspoken, extravagant and has parlayed his lifestyle into celebrity status.

During the early 1990’s, Donald Trump struggled financially. He was best known for his bankruptcies and extra marital affairs. Donald was able to turn his businesses around in the late 1990’s. He completed several large real estate projects and returned to the status of a successful businessman (O'Donnell & Rutherford, 1991).

In 2004, NBC first aired The Apprentice. The Apprentice has run for nine seasons. Its premise is that individuals compete on a game show to win a job with the Trump Organization. The contestants complete various business related tasks. At the end of every task, Donald decides which contestant is fired. His tag line “You’re fired!” has become a catch phrase of popular culture. Donald Trump’s hair has also become a popular culture artifact. His hair has been the subject of jokes and comedy skits. Donald acknowledges the jokes and even makes a few jokes about his hair on his show The Apprentice.

Donald Trump has become the face of success in business and the wealthy lifestyle. He has constantly maintained a media presence and has written several books to help others follow in his steps to business success. He will always keep his name and image in the Media. The Donald Trump brand has gained value with the success of The Apprentice. His lifestyle and wealth appeal to the masses and the American Dream.

O'Donnell, J. R., & Rutherford, J. (1991). Trumped! : The inside story of the real donald trump--his cunning rise and spectacular fall. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Assignment 2-1

Seinfeld is a NBC sitcom that first aired on July 5, 1989. The sitcom lasted for nine seasons. It is still shown today through syndication. The main character of the show was Jerry Seinfeld. The show featured many of Jerry’s acquaintances who were also popular characters of the show. The show didn’t really have a plot or theme. It was based on the everyday activities or situations that Jerry or his acquaintances experienced. The sitcom was written by Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld based upon people in their lives (Lavery & Dunne, 2006).

Seinfeld was one of the first sitcoms of the time that did not revolve around family members. The sitcom was also different from other sitcoms because the main characters never learn a moral lesson in any episode. The show based in Jerry’s New York apartment but it was mainly filmed in Los Angeles. TV Guide named Seinfeld as the greatest sitcom of all time in 2002.

Seinfeld has become part of popular culture through various catch phrases. The catch phrases and code words are referred to as Seinlanguage by Seinfeld fans. Seinlanguage was also the name of Jerry Seinfeld’s best-selling book (Lavery & Dunne, 2006). Seinfeld has a very following of fans and the catch phrases and episodes are still popular twelve years after the series finale. Seinfeld was popular because of the wide variety of characters and there was someone that the viewers could relate with.

It is hard to say if Seinfeld will remain popular in the future. However, the many catch phrases that were introduced on the sitcom will remain in the pop culture vocabulary for years to come. The younger generations will be familiar with one of the greatest sitcoms of all time as long as Seinfeld remains in syndication and is shown regularly on TV.


Lavery, D., & Dunne, S. L. (2006). Seinfeld, master of its domain : Revisiting television's greatest sitcom. New York: Continuum International Pub. Group. Retrieved from

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Assignment 2-2 - Icon Analysis

The three contemporary icons that I chose to discuss are Rocky Balboa, Howard Stern and Ronald McDonald. Rocky Balboa is a fictional boxer portrayed by Sylvestor Stallone. The Rocky’s series of movies are very popular among all generations. Rocky Balboa represents the underdog that uses courage, hard work and love to overcome great odds. Howard Stern is a radio pioneer. He created the “shock jock” style of radio personalities. He was one of the first radio personalities to be syndicated and helped to promote and legitimize satellite radio. Ronald McDonald is a clown character used as a mascot by McDonalds fast-food restaurant. Ronald McDonald is known worldwide. Willard Scott, the weatherman from NBCs Today Show, is credited with creating Ronald McDonald (Hall & Hall, 2006).

I chose these icons because I believe they represent the American culture. Rocky Balboa is an American hero. In the movie Rocky IV he defeats a Russian boxer in an epic America versus Russia boxing match. Howard Stern is known worldwide. He has a large audience and is a very influential person. He revolutionized the radio industry and used his off color humor and offensive remarks and opinions to become the “King of all media”. He is also a bestselling author and actor. Ronald McDonald represents one of the most recognizable United States companies that operate worldwide. McDonalds was a pioneer in the fast-food industry. Although their competition has increased over the year, McDonald’s is still one of the most successful companies in the food services industry.

All three of these contemporary icons mean a lot to me. I grew up watching the Rocky movies. During my career as a professional bull rider I always felt like I was the underdog. I didn’t grow up on a farm or around livestock. I used Rocky Balboa as a motivation to try a little harder and to never give up. Even today I have the Rocky soundtrack on my iPod and I listen to it when I need an extra boost during a workout. I have always related to Howard Stern’s type of humor. I have always been the type to make statements for the shock factor. I listen to Howard Stern on a daily basis. I have been to his Sirius Satellite Radio studios and was a guest on one of the shows on his Sirius channel. I respect his courage to stick with his business model despite vast opposition. He has become successful and has made his mark in broadcasting history. Ronald McDonald was always a favorite childhood character of mine. I had many birthday parties at McDonalds as a child. I still remember how exciting it was when Ronald McDonald made his visit to the party. Ronald McDonald is a great mascot and has brought worldwide recognition to McDonalds.


Hall, D., & Hall, S. G. (2006). American icons : An encyclopedia of the people, places, and things that have shaped our culture. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Assignment 1-4 Weekly Analysis

Facebook has become a huge part of society and pop culture. Everyone from celebrities, politicians and your friends can be found on facebook. I personally use facebook and I have been able to reconnect with many friends.
On a professional level, I use facebook to communicate with clients. Many clients prefer to communicate online or receive updates about changes in the tax code. Understanding pop culture and utilizing facebook has helped me grow my business and has set me apart from the older CPAs that do not use facebook.
Facebook has more than 400 million active users. 50 percent of those users login into facebook on any given day. People spend over 500 billion minutes on facebook per month. These numbers represent a huge market that businesses can tap into to promote their business and products (Treadaway, 2010).
Facebook is a free social networking service. There have been rumors about a fee being charged in the future. The fee would greatly reduce the numbers of users on facebook. There are several other social networking websites available free of charge. Most users are not willing to pay a fee for a social networking service.
It is hard to say if facebook will remain as popular in the future. However, businesses should utilize facebook and follow the masses to the next social networking site that is developed. With the popularity of smart phones, social networking will always be part of our society.
Treadaway, C., Smith, M & Facebook. (2010). Facebook Marketing : An hour a day. Indianapolis: Wiley Pub.