Saturday, May 22, 2010

Assignment 1-4 Weekly Analysis

Facebook has become a huge part of society and pop culture. Everyone from celebrities, politicians and your friends can be found on facebook. I personally use facebook and I have been able to reconnect with many friends.
On a professional level, I use facebook to communicate with clients. Many clients prefer to communicate online or receive updates about changes in the tax code. Understanding pop culture and utilizing facebook has helped me grow my business and has set me apart from the older CPAs that do not use facebook.
Facebook has more than 400 million active users. 50 percent of those users login into facebook on any given day. People spend over 500 billion minutes on facebook per month. These numbers represent a huge market that businesses can tap into to promote their business and products (Treadaway, 2010).
Facebook is a free social networking service. There have been rumors about a fee being charged in the future. The fee would greatly reduce the numbers of users on facebook. There are several other social networking websites available free of charge. Most users are not willing to pay a fee for a social networking service.
It is hard to say if facebook will remain as popular in the future. However, businesses should utilize facebook and follow the masses to the next social networking site that is developed. With the popularity of smart phones, social networking will always be part of our society.
Treadaway, C., Smith, M & Facebook. (2010). Facebook Marketing : An hour a day. Indianapolis: Wiley Pub.

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